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Okay, so I wanted to have a conversation and share with you some of the findings I\’ve found in my drawings.

Drawing one.

Drawing two.

Drawing three.

What you think.

What I have learned from doing these drawings recently is that they\’re actually helping to rewire the neuro pathways in my brain.

This is like a reflection of our brain, neuropathways, and so, when we\’re drawing the lines and the shapes that we find in the alcohol inks because that\’s essentially what we\’re doing, right?

I will show you what we\’re doing.

We take a painting, any painting that we find brilliant lines and shapes, which is pretty much all of them.

We take a blank piece of photo paper and we have our light pad.

And so when you put the paper, you put the painting and the paper on the, on the light pad then you can see the lines and the shapes.

You see lines and shapes in a way that you don\’t really see it when you look at the painting just like this.

But when you\’re looking at it with lights behind it, you see so much more.

And so when you\’re going through this process of tracing these lines and shapes, you are getting the information, the data from the paintings in a whole new way.

In a way that is beyond just looking at the colors.

The colors and the lines and shapes from a painting are so powerful, but so is the drawings, because the drawings help us see it in a different way.

It\’s like, imagine the world the way you know it and you know the world based on its 3D ness, right?

You know the world based on what you know about objects and things.

So it\’s easy to recognize the difference between the couch and the chair and the wall and the trees and whatever.

We can see the difference because of the colors and the dimensions and the textures, et cetera.

But what we don\’t realize is that when you remove all that, when you don\’t have the information of color or you don\’t have the information of objects, everything kind of looks like this

actual factual.

Everything is really lines and shapes.

Everything is lines and shapes.

And, the other thing I\’ve learned from doing these drawings is that not only is it very crazy looking, it\’s also so precise.

So you don\’t realize it, but everything is so connected.

Where does it start and where does it end? Huh?

It\’s hard to say, but it\’s all so connected and it just blows me away because I\’ll be drawing and it just like how they line up, it\’s so precise.

It\’s like a higher level of consciousness for sure. For sure.

That\’s why I say it\’s out of this world.

Whatever\’s going on here in the world of alcohol inks.

In the world of Artist Sarah Long…

Whatever\’s going on here is bigger than me and out of this world for sure.

Okay, so I didn\’t used to take the drawings so seriously.

I was really just like obsessed with painting, but as I have grown and evolved and, the more I accept my quest to embrace alcohol inks.

I\’m starting to really, really, embrace both sides of it…

both the paintings and the drawings, because I think there\’s so much value in both, just in different ways.

So anyway, I just wanted to share that with you so that you know how important the drawings really are okay.

They\’re very, very, very precise and I just think that, you know, from a self-mastery or a self-healing perspective or tool that when we integrate the daily practice of drawing or doing what I\’m talking about here, tracing these paintings, when you do that, you are subsequently rewiring your mind.

So this is a very good tool for anyone who is suffering from complex trauma or, childhood trauma or any kind of personality disorder, which is, you know, depending on what it is.

But I think in a lot of cases it\’s the byproduct of post-traumatic stress.

And so when that happens, especially at childhood, it can be really hard to overcome it because the programming.

The wiring in our brain, in our body is so deep-rooted.

It\’s who you\’ve become.

But it is possible to change your mind by doing these drawings.

And I think that because the information in the paintings, because it\’s so divine and so precise.

It basically rewires the energy in your brain, in your mind to become and be more like this. To be more aligned. To be more divine, to be more precise.

And just imagine like if everybody had access to this information we could quantum leap our healing quest because what we\’re really battling with, what keeps us so stuck is our mindset.

The mind stops us because of our altered states of self.

Our altered ego has become so in control of how we do life, and thus we\’re so disconnected from the divine that we\’re not really aligned and as a result, we have a lot of internal chaos.

And that internal chaos creates a crazy mind.

Emotionally deregulated as a child will create the same kind of conditions as an adult, and this is how we get sick.

This is how we get sick.

So to heal and raise the frequency individually, thus, collectively, we have to start looking at what it takes to actually heal in different ways.

Because the reality is there is nowhere to go for help.

Not real help.

And psychology isn\’t really helping.

And not like you\’re going to your doctor for help with your past and not like your drugs are really helping you.

Ultimately we just need to, open our hearts more.

And the great thing about alcohol links or more specifically, arting in any respect, but just being creative is one of the fastest ways to open our hearts.

And alcohol inks, I think, are such a great tool for both helping to open the heart, heal the heart, but also the mind at the same time.

And in doing so, when you have coherence with your mind and your heart, that\’s when you start to really activate or tune into your higher self.

Tune into the divine.

Tune into your intuition.

And that gives you new information.

That\’s how we heal the false self.

When we integrate the key levels of consciousness.

But, as we\’ve been being, we are basically sound asleep.

Trapped in the dream of separation.

Trapped in the dream of chaos, fear, and distortion.

And like I said, there\’s nowhere to go for help.

So how do we get out?

How do we get out when we can\’t even help ourselves?

Alcohol Inks, bro.

Painting and drawing and drawing and painting and painting and drawing and drawing and painting.

Painting and drawing and drawing and painting.

Painting and drawing and drawing and painting.

Painting and drawing.

Drawing and painting.

Painting and drawing and drawing and painting.

That\’s my answer.

Also cannabis.



Breath work.

Good nutrition.

Good hydration.


Cleaning out your closets.

Speak your truth.

Get an art stories project.

That\’s how we do it.

That\’s how we do it.

That\’s how we raise our frequency because as we do that work…

Do the self-care.

You are raising your frequency through soothing, but yet at the same time, you\’re getting rid of the clutter.

You\’re getting rid of the layers of pain.

The layers of shame.

The the false self.

How do you take the mask off?

You take the mask off by filling yourself up, learning about love, and that\’s essentially like the information that I\’m talking about…

That\’s what we\’re talking about.

This is love.

I know it\’s hard to comprehend that if you\’ve been, you know, taught that love comes from other people.

But love does not come from other people.

Love is always available.

Love is always here.

It\’s a frequency, but we have to be willing and able to tune in and tap into it.

You can\’t do that when you are tuning in or, or tapped into fear.

When you\’re trapped in your dream.

When you\’re trapped in the illusion.

When you\’re trapped in the past pain.

When you\’re living in in distortion…

You can\’t really know what love is.

That\’s why you can\’t rely on other people, to love you or to give you the love you really want because most people are hurting.

Most people don\’t really love.

Most people don\’t know what love is.

But we can teach you through the drawings and the colors…

ooh, ooh, whoa, colors.

Does color not turn you one?

It doesn\’t turn you on?.

Color turns me on.

Does this not make you want to explode with joy?

I mean, I don\’t really love these ones to be honest, because I don\’t like the lines and shapes…

So much like the last conversation we had, I\’m like, I gotta do another layer…

I gotta do another layer on these ones because I don\’t love the lines and shapes.

I feel like another layer I could get a better lines and shapes, but that\’s how I feel about all of them.

It\’s like when I think they\’re done and then I leave them or I put them on my wall because I will sit with a painting for a long time before I decide if it\’s done or not.

So I sit with a painting and then over time…

The more I heal or the more I learn about the inks, I\’m like, I feel like I need to do another layer on this painting that I said was done.

And so it\’s like, are they ever done?

Will they ever be done?

Do I always think that another layer could make it better?

What does that say about me and about her and the inks and our relationship?

Like, what does this mean?

Does this mean that like I don\’t love them unconditionally?

Or does this mean that I\’m too picky?

Or is this what makes me an extraordinary alcohol and artist?


Well, I guess time will tell.

Until then, hun…

Be well.

Artist Sarah Long

Author Artist Sarah Long

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